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Jemena VicHub is a strategic gateway into and out of the Declared Wholesale Gas Market, linking the gas markets of NSW and ACT to Victoria, assisting shippers to manage risk and optimise their gas portfolios.

VicHub, located at Longford Victoria links the Declared Wholesale Gas Market (DWGM) and the Eastern Gas Pipeline (EGP). It provides transportation for shippers who either:

- Receive gas at the Orbost Gas Plant (Patricia Baleen) and require access to the DWGM.
- Seek to store gas on the EGP to take advantage of supply and pricing volatility and manage risk.

Coupled with EGP, VicHub allows shippers to easily source gas from a variety of receipt points including:

- Longford Gas Plant
- Patricia Baleen Gas Plant (Orbost Receipt Point)
- The Victorian Declared Wholesale Gas Market (DWGM)
- Sydney Short Term Trading Market (STTM) and ACT

Using VicHub withdrawal services, gas can be withdrawn from the DWGM on an intraday basis and stored and/or transported on the EGP. Similarly the Injection service facilitates the intraday delivery of gas from the EGP to the DWGM.

This functionality allows shippers to take advantage of the difference in gas pricing between both market schedules (time based) and geographical locations (STTM vs DWGM vs gas supply contracts). VicHub provides shippers with enhanced flexibility when managing their gas portfolio whilst minimising the scheduling risk associated with the Victorian DWGM.

VicHub services may provide shippers with a cost effective means of minimising deviation penalties should market participants experience constraints within other parts of the network, thus mitigating their potential market exposures and risk.

Shippers seeking transportation services on VicHub will also require an associated EGP service to manage daily imbalances.  

We look forward to discussing your gas transportation requirements.

Contact Us

To discuss your gas transportation needs, please contact Courtney Fabian, Commercial Manager on (03) 9173 8006 or

Unless stated otherwise, information published on this page for the purposes of Division 2 Part 10 of the National Gas Rules was last updated on 15 May 2024, is current as of that date and replaces all previous versions.

Pipeline Information

Pipeline Class Transmission
Pipeline Map Click here for VicHub Schematic Map
Nameplate Rating

Click here for Nameplate Rating published on AEMO's website

Construction Date November 2000 
Receipt Point(s) EGP Longford, DWGM Withdrawal
Delivery Points EGP Longford, DWGM Injection
Connected Facilities Click here for VicHub Detailed Facility Information
Length 2km
Pressure Between 3,000 kPa gauge and 16,550 kPa gauge
Compression N/A
Gas Specification Click here for EGP Gas Specification
Measurement Manuals Click here for EGP Measurement Manual
Supplier Curtailment Methodology Click here for VicHub Supplier Curtailment Methodology
Type of Gas Transported

Natural gas, or a blend of any primary gases which conforms to the applicable gas specification, subject to the following blending limits:*

  • hydrogen – nil
  • biomethane – no limit, provided the gas conforms with the applicable gas specification
  • synthetic methane – no limit, provided the gas conforms with the applicable gas specification

*Actual blending limit may vary depending on specific receipt and delivery point requirements.

Note that gas injected into the pipeline may be supplied from other pipelines which carry a co-mingled gas stream and may therefore potentially include gas blends. Any such gas blend must comply with VicHub's applicable gas specification.

Future Changes to Type of Gas Transported The service provider is not currently aware that the type of gas transported through the VicHub is going to change in the future.

Pipeline Service Information

Pipeline Services Click here for VicHub Transportation Services and Pricing Methodology

Service Usage Information

Historical monthly quantities of gas metered injected into and withdrawn from the pipeline and gas scheduled for injection into and withdrawal from the pipeline attributable to each pipeline service Click here for VicHub service usage information  
Number of contracted customers as at the last day of the financial year 15

Service Availability Information

Information about matters expected to affect the capacity of the pipeline over the next 12 months 

Click here for AEMO Gas Bulletin Board Medium Term Capacity Outlook (Future)

An outlook for the firm capacity expected to be available for sale over the next 36 months 

Click here for the VicHub available capacity outlook via the AEMO Gas Bulletin Board Uncontracted Capacity Outlook (Future)
*Firm Injection. Actual available capacity will vary depending on specific Receipt and Delivery Point requirements.

Information on any other limitations on the availability of pipeline services Relevant technical and operational requirements for access to this pipeline are referred to on this page. Jemena will provide you with any other information relevant to your access request. 

Standing Terms

Services and standing price methodology. This document also includes information about charging structures and other prices and charges applicable to each pipeline services. Click here for VicHub Transportation Services and Pricing Methodology
Standing prices (reference transportation tariffs) Click here for VicHub Tariff Schedule
Standard Terms and Conditions (GTA)

Click here for VicHub Standard Terms & Conditions

User Access Guide and Interconnection

User Access Guide Click here for Jemena - User Access Guide 
Access Request Form Access Request Form
Standard Connection Agreement Jemena - Template Interconnection Agreement
Standard Confidentiality Agreement for connection Jemena Template Confidentiality Agreement (Two Way) Interconnection

Financial information, historical demand information and cost allocation methodology

Financial Reporting Template


Financial reporting template for the VicHub is available:

  • here the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2019
  • here the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2020
  • here the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2021
  • here the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2022
  • here the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2023
Basis of Preparation


The basis of preparation used to prepare the financial reporting template for the VicHub are available:

  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2019
  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2020
  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2021
  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2022
  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2023
Review and Audit Report

The review report providing assurance to Jemena over the financial reporting template for the VicHub are available:

  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2019
  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2020
  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2021
  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2022
  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2023

The audit report providing assurance to Jemena over the financial reporting template for the VicHub are available:

  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2019
  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2020
  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2021
  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2022
  • here for the twelve months from 1 January to 31 December 2023

Actual Prices Payable Information

Actual Prices Payable Click here for Actual Prices Payable data

Day ahead auction and capacity trading information

Operational Transport Service Agreement 


Click here for Vichub OTSA version 2
Click here for Vichub OTSA redline version
(version 1 dated 22 January 2019 vs version 2 dated 30 April 2020)

Click here for VicHub OTSA version 1 (superseded)


Jemena Information about Operational Transportation Service Agreements Click here for Jemena Information about Operational Transportation Service Agreements
Standardisation Cost Charges Under Part 24 of the National Gas Rules, some costs incurred by a service provider relating to capacity trading and the day ahead auction (‘standardisation costs’) may be recoverable from transportation facility users.
Click here for Standardisation Cost Charge Information