In accordance with Clause 5.17 of the NER and the AER’s RIT-D Application Guidelines August 2022, the first stage of the RIT-D process is to publish an options screening report for consultation by determining whether non-network and SAPS options are likely to form a potential credible option(s) or significant part of one or more potential credible options to address the identified need.
This options screening report:
We invite written submissions from registered participants, AEMO and interested parties, including pricing proposals from prospective non-network and SAPS providers detailing alternative solutions and demonstrating how the solutions achieve the assessment criteria presented in this report:
All submissions and enquiries relating to this non-network options report must be lodged on or before 15 November 2024.
This document is Jemena’s Somerton Zone Substation Supply area Capacity Constraint – Draft Project Assessment Report. In accordance with the requirements of the National Electricity Rules this report describes:
All submissions and enquires relating to this draft project assessment report must be lodged with us on or before 14 February 2025.