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Somerton Zone Substation Supply Area Capacity Constraint

This Regulatory Investment Test for Distribution (RIT-D) arises due to the need of maintaining reliability of supply in the Somerton, Craigieburn, Kalkallo and Coolaroo supply area whilst accommodating new customer connections, and growth in customer maximum demand.

Options Screening report

In accordance with Clause 5.17 of the NER and the AER’s RIT-D Application Guidelines August 2022, the first stage of the RIT-D process is to publish an options screening report for consultation by determining whether non-network and SAPS options are likely to form a potential credible option(s) or significant part of one or more potential credible options to address the identified need.

This options screening report:

  • summarises the non-network and SAPS screening requirements and the assessment approach.
  • describes the identified need JEN is aiming to address.
  • describes the network options tested to date.
  • describes the potential of non-network and/or SAPS options to help address the identified need.
  • states the conclusion reached on potential non-network and SAPS options, and next steps.

We invite written submissions from registered participants, AEMO and interested parties, including pricing proposals from prospective non-network and SAPS providers detailing alternative solutions and demonstrating how the solutions achieve the assessment criteria presented in this report: 

All submissions and enquiries relating to this non-network options report must be lodged on or before 15 November 2024.


Draft Project Assessment Report

This document is Jemena’s Somerton Zone Substation Supply area Capacity Constraint – Draft Project Assessment Report. In accordance with the requirements of the National Electricity Rules this report describes:

  • the identified need for the investment;
  • the credible options assessed that may address the identified need;
  • the methodologies used to quantify market benefits;
  • the net present value assessment results for the potential credible options assessed; and
  • the technical characteristics of the proposed preferred credible option.

All submissions and enquires relating to this draft project assessment report must be lodged with us on or before 14 February 2025.