This summer, we’re here to support you with important safety information delivered straight to your mailbox, email, or phone. Given the likelihood of extreme weather, we want to help you stay safe and prepared in case of any power outages or faults.
At Jemena, we are dedicated to providing a safe and reliable electricity supply throughout the summer months. However, unpredictable weather events like storms or bushfires can sometimes disrupt service. If you do experience an outage, please visit our website or call us at 131 626 for updates and assistance.
We’re also sharing useful resources about life support equipment, tips to help manage your electricity bills, and our ongoing efforts towards a more sustainable future.
Let's work together to ensure that your loved ones stay safe and have an enjoyable summer.
As your electricity distributor, we’re committed to delivering on a number of promises to you — they’re promises we want to keep.
View our Top 5 Energy Saving Tips for Summer - [ Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Turkish, Vietnamese ]