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Sustainability in Focus: Our 2023 Sustainability Report

May 23, 2024

Today, the SGSPAA Group (operating as energy infrastructure owner and operator Jemena and engineering services provider Zinfra) has released its 2023 Sustainability Report: Sustainability in Focus. The report provides an update on the Group’s progress as part of its ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) Plan. Achievements detailed in Sustainability in Focus include:


Sustainability and Environment

  • Renewable Gas: 2023 saw the Group commission Australia’s first biomethane-to-gas network injection project - the Malabar Biomethane Injection Plant. In late 2023, gas produced at the Malabar Biomethane Injection Plant was certified by GreenPower as renewable gas.
  • Emissions Reporting: the Group has taken steps to improve reporting of its emissions, including reporting - for the first time - Scope 3 emissions.
  • Governance: the Group further developed its sustainability governance and emissions reduction plans, as it prepares for the introduction of mandatory climate-related financial disclosures.
  • Waste Management: the Group diverted 39 per cent of waste from landfill, (a two per cent increase on CY2022). The Group also commenced implementation of a new Waste Management Strategy.
  • Vehicle: the Group introduced 42 hybrid/plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to its fleet.

Our Customers

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: the Group launched a new, customer focussed, website for Jemena and implemented its CX (or customer experience) Uplift plan.
  • Customer Engagement: the Group consulted broadly with its electricity and gas customers as it develops it pricing and services plans for its regulated networks: the Jemena Electricity Network in Victoria and the Jemena Gas Networks in New South Wales.
  • Vulnerable Customers: the Group continued to support our vulnerable customers through our Voices for Power program and our Uniting Energy Assist program – both programs support people to better understand the energy sector, their bills, their energy use, and the concessions which may be available to them.
  • Network Performance: we improved the average time of electricity outages, decreasing them by 2 minutes, compared to 2022 levels.

Safety and Wellbeing

  • Respect@Work: the Group introduced its Respect@Work program to better support its staff with any issues relating to bullying, sexual harassment, and victimisation.

Ladership Safety Training: Leadership Safety Training was delivered to 98 leaders across the Group.

  • Bodycare: the Group encouraged increased use of Bodycare – the Group’s Injury Prevention program. Bodycare provides access to physiotherapy and related treatments.


Diversity and Inclusion

  • Addressing the Gender Pay Gap: the Group’s gender pay gap decreased by almost five per cent from 24.2 per cent in CY2022 to 19.4 per cent in 2023 (the Group’s pay equity gap for work of equal or comparable value is between one to two per cent).
  • Indigenous Artwork: was included on Group vehicles as a way of connecting with the community.
  • Smith Family and Career Seekers: the Group partnered with the Smith Family and Career Seekers to offer internships to students from disadvantaged and humanitarian entrant backgrounds.

Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Group Corporate Social Responsibility Program: the Group contributed more than $630,000 in donations, sponsorships and grants to organisations supporting local communities – since 2019, the Group has invested about $3 million in local organisations.
  • Pipeline to Success Program: the Group continued its support for the Pipeline to Success Program in the Northern Territory which, in 2023, helped more than 100 Indigenous people to become work-ready or find employment.


While the Sustainability Report provides an overview of the Group’s 2023 activities, the Group’s Sustainability Hub provides more detailed information about the Group’s sustainability journey. The hub also includes an overview of what the Group is doing to help support Australia’s energy transition, while enhancing the services it provides to its customers. Visit the Sustainability Hub here:


The Group’s 2023 Sustainability Report: Sustainability in Focus is available here.