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Continued commitment to addressing modern slavery risk

Aug 22, 2023

In our third Modern Slavery Statement, we have highlighted the actions we’ve taken in 2022 to further mature our processes and systems to address the potential risk of modern slavery in our supply chains and operations.

Modern slavery is an overarching term for situations in which labour is undertaken by people being exploited by others - including forced labour, illegal forms of child labour, human trafficking, debt bondage, deceptive recruiting for labour, and exploitation of minimum wage requirements.

We continue to improve how we identify and respond to the risk of people being exploited to deliver the goods and services we use – as a large infrastructure business, we have globally connected supply chains, and are exposed to potential risks from workforce practices across the world.

Some of our actions in 2022 included:

  • progress in implementing our Modern Slavery Action Plan, established in 2021
  • increased engagement with our suppliers, and improved understanding of their practices through implementing our modern slavery questionnaire – more than 400 suppliers completed this in 2022
  • continuing to implement our modern slavery training and awareness activities for our people
  • continuing to monitor Australian and international information and reports about modern slavery and to work collaboratively with our peers in the energy sector through the Energy Procurement Supply Association (EPSA), to share information about potential risks
  • developing new procurement and contract management procedures for the business with more guidance for our people in addressing modern slavery risks.

A copy of our Modern Slavery Statement 2023  is available here.