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Connect Your Home to Gas 

Looking to connect your home to gas? We offer a range of residential gas connection services tailored to your property’s site conditions. Whether it's a standard connection, a boundary service, or an additional meter for a granny flat, we’re here to make the process easy and efficient. You can apply direct with us via our online portal, or apply directly with your preferred energy retailer.

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Types of Connection Services

Click on the card links below to learn about the different types of gas services available and discover what best suits your property. 

Meter and Service

Street facing, single dwelling with no non-standard site conditions, such as shared driveway or battle-axe block.  

Boundary Service

Shared driveway, battle-axe block, house with a granny flat, multiple dwellings, or meter position over 25m from the boundary line. 

Meter Kit Only

Installation of an additional meter to a property which has active gas supply. 

Meter and Service

Single Dwelling (Meter and Service Connection)

For street-facing homes, we provide a standard connection, installing a gas meter and service line from the gas main to your property.


Duplex (Two Meters and Two Services Connection)

For duplexes with two street-facing units, each home can have its own gas supply. Jemena installs separate meters and service lines for both units.



Boundary Service (Path Valve)

Once you have applied for a Boundary Service, your licensed plumber or gas fitter will install the path valve and we'll connect the gas to it from the main in the street. Your licensed plumber or gas fitter will need to arrange to collect a meter kit (meter bar and regulator) and carry out the installation.

Once the meter kit has been installed, you can book an appointment via our Meter Delivery Appointment form to arrange a metering technician to visit your site, confirm the installation is compliant, and deliver the meter. 

One Meter and Path Valve 

This type of connection is for single dwellings with non-standard site conditions, such as shared driveways or battle-axe blocks, where a connection to the property boundary is required. 


Two Meters & Two Path Valves (Duplex, Non-Standard Conditions)

For duplexes with unique site conditions such as high terrain, your licensed plumber or gas fitter will install two path valves at the property boundary.

Two Meters and One Path Valve 

For duplexes or properties with a granny flat on a shared driveway, a single path valve will be installed to service multiple gas meters. 


Meter Kit Only Connection

If your property already has gas but requires an additional meter (e.g., for a new granny flat), you will need a Meter Kit Only connection. Your licensed plumber or gas fitter will install the additional meter provided by Jemena. You will be required to submit a Standby Request via our Portal

Once you’ve accepted your connection offer via our online portal and your request reaches ‘works’ status, you’ll need to submit a Meter Kit Order form. The meter centre will then confirm via email when the meter kit is ready for collection from your nearest suitable warehouse location. You can book an appointment via our Meter Delivery Appointment form to arrange a metering technician to visit your site. 



Ready to connect? Visit Connect and Manage My Gas.