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Frequently asked questions

Embedded Generation application

Q: Do I need to be an REC to register to use the Jemena ‘Connect and manage my electricity’ portal?

A: No, anyone can register to use the Jemena ‘Connect and manage my electricity’ portal and complete the Embedded Generation application online.

Q: What is the new application called? 

A: The Embedded Generation application, found on the Jemena ‘Connect and manage my electricity’ portal.

Q: Where do I go to complete the new Embedded Generation application?

A: The Embedded Generation application sits on the Jemena ‘Connect and manage my electricity’ portal. 

Q: What does the Embedded Generation application replace? 

A: The Micro-Embedded Generator paper-based form is being replaced with the online Embedded Generation application on the Jemena ‘Connect and manage my electricity’ portal.

Q: I need help to fill out the Embedded Generation application, who can I call?

A: There is Help text built into the application to guide you as you complete each field. Alternately visit the Jemena ‘Solar and renewables for installers / RECs’ website:, or contact the Jemena Network Connections team on 1300 131 871, or via

Q: What information is required in the application? 

A: In addition to the information we’ve always collected, such as installer details and Generator Installed Capacity, we are now collecting information such as the number of panels and make/model/serial numbers of all equipment installed. There is a full checklist available on the Jemena ‘Solar and renewables for installers / RECs’ website:

Q: In the Embedded Generation application form, whose details are entered on the ‘Customer Details’ tab, the customer or the installer?

A: This tab is for the customer details. The installer details will automatically default as the installer logs in using their ‘Connect and manage my electricity’ portal account which includes their registered credentials.

Q: On the DER Details tab in the Embedded Generation application, which ‘Installer Identification’ number should I enter?

A: You can enter your preferred id into this field as the detail is not validated.

Q: The ‘Inverter Model Number’ I am installing doesn’t appear in the drop down list on the 'DER Details' tab in the Embedded Generation application. What should I do?

A: This drop down list is a list of inverters which are approved by the Clean Energy Council (CEC). All inverters installed must be CEC approved. From 18 December, the inverter must comply with the latest AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 standard. Inverters compliant to AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 will be identified in the CEC list by the addition of the text (AS4777-2 2020) after the device model number.

Q: I don’t have some of the information asked for in the Embedded Generation application, and the portal will not let me submit the application until I provide the information. 

A: You can save the application and return to it once you have obtained all of the required information.

Q: I entered some of the required information incorrectly on the Embedded Generation application and have submitted my application, can I change this?

A: Once an application has been submitted, you are not able to update the information yourself. Contact us on 1300 131 871 or and our Network Connections team can update the information on your behalf.

Q: I think I have entered everything correctly but the website will not submit my application. What should I do?

A: You need to check that the information you have entered has been validated. For e.g. check that you have not entered solar panel capacity instead of inverter capacity by mistake.  

Q: Is there validation on the actual serial number that’s entered in the Embedded Generation application?

A: No. The application will validate that a number is entered to the serial number field, but not that the number entered is correct.

Q: Is the Embedded Generation application ID (EGid) just a reference number or is it paperwork as well? 

A: The EGid is a reference number only.

Q: Why is Jemena no longer accepting paper work? Can’t Jemena make an exception just this once?

A: Unfortunately we are unable to make any exceptions. From early 2020 Jemena will be required by AEMO to collect additional data for each solar installation. Unfortunately the paper-based Embedded Generator form doesn’t cover all of the required data.

Q: I’ve completed the Embedded Generation application but Jemena have been calling me? Why?

A: It may be that we’re trying to get in touch with you to confirm the details entered in the application. 

Q: How will I be notified that I have submitted the application successfully?

A: When you finish completing the information in the Embedded Generation application and click ‘Submit’ an application number will appear at the top of the screen. You will also receive an email notifying you that the application has been submitted successfully. This will contain the EGid. Approximately 24 hours after the application has been submitted you should also get a ‘confirmation’ email. If there is an anomaly with the application, the Jemena Network Connections team will contact you direct.

Q: In the past (pre 1 December 2019) I sent the Micro-Embedded Generator form directly to the retailer not the customer. Will I now send the Embedded Generation application ID (EGid) direct to the retailer as well?

A: Yes. The Micro-Embedded Generation form has been replaced by the Embedded Generation application on the Jemena ‘Connect and manage my electricity’ portal. No change is required to the process you follow. Alternately, pass the Embedded Generation application ID (EGid) which auto-generates when you submit the Embedded Generation application to the customer. They can provide it to the retailer when they request solar configuration.

Q: If the installation is an add on, do I need to provide information about the existing system? 

A: Yes. In this case the new Embedded Generation application needs to be completed for all equipment installed including the new and existing system.

Q: What is the process for customers who are requesting alteration to an existing installation, rather than a brand new one?

A: The Embedded Generation application on the Jemena ‘Connect and manage my electricity’ portal will automatically determine whether an installation is new or an alteration based on the NMI. No alternate process or action is required for alterations.

Q: Do I need to capture the additional Embedded Generation information for solar sites which exist now, i.e. were installed prior to 1 December 2019?

A: Currently listed sites will be migrated by Jemena into AEMO’s DER register but only to the extent of the information we captured at the time. We do not have the capacity go back and obtain additional data. AEMO have requested that at least 12 pieces of data are provided for the old sites, however are choosing to pass on 24 fields of data for all existing solar sites. If any of these sites which are set to be migrated to the AEMO DER database are altered in the future, the installer will need to complete the Embedded Generation application form for the alteration.

Q: Why can’t all five Victorian electricity distributors have the same form or Portal?

A: Unfortunately, every business has different IT platforms and it is challenging to have the same software products. It would require significant investment to standardise the IT platform across the five DBs, and at this stage, we’re not pursuing this. However with the new DER Register requirement, the data required to be collected will be uniform across the industry.

Inverter Standards

Q: Where can I find the protection settings to use on the inverter I’ve installed?

A: All 2020 compliant inverters will require 'Australia A' power quality response settings. There is a link to the required inverter settings on the ‘Solar and renewables for installers / RECs’ page:

Q: Should battery storage (kWh) be included in the installed capacity kW? 

A: The total installed capacity value should include all inverter (kW) only. Storage kWh value should not be added to kW value.

Q: What happens if I’ve installed solar panel(s) or an inverter before 1 December 2019 and it fails? Can I replace it with the same make & model without Power Quality Control capability (Volt-Var and Volt-Watt)?

A: Provided this happens just before or shortly after 1 December 2019, faulty inverters can be replaced with the same make and model and the same number of panels. Ideally you will contact us with the new serial numbers so we can update the DER register. However if the inverters fail post 31 March 2020, you will need to replace them with an inverter that has Volt-Var and Volt-Watt capability and update the Embedded Generation application. A list of all Embedded Generation applications you’ve raised in the past is available via the ‘Applications’ page in the Jemena ‘Connect and manage my electricity’ portal. An inverter compliant with an earlier version of AS/NSZ 4777.2 can be replaced under warranty where:

•    The replacement inverter is the same make and model (like-for-like)
•    The replacement is for warranty purposes
•    The inverter is set up to comply with the existing connection agreement.

Warranty replacements must be approved by Jemena before they are installed.  

Where the above requirements are not met an AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 inverter, compliant with the latest standards will be required

Q: Do I need to apply to Jemena for pre-approval for installations greater than 30kVa (max 10kVA per Phase)?

A: The process for Pre-approved installations in the Jemena patch will not change. Jemena will keep the 30kVA (three phase), 10 kVA (single phase) threshold (as installed capacity) for Basic / Automatic connections.

Q: Is there any change to the meter upgrade process?

A: No. The meter upgrade process is not changing.

Q: Does the ≤30kVa (max 10kVA per Phase) threshold which is used to determine whether a solar installation is Basic (residential) or Negotiated (commercial/industrial) apply to the panels or the inverter?

A: The total inverter rating determines the approved capacity level. It is the total inverter size that determines whether it is a basic (≤30 kVA) or negotiated (>30 kVA) installation.

Q: What are the mandatory power quality voltage response mode settings for the inverter?

A: Prior to 18 December 2021, Inverters must comply with either:

•    AS/NZS 4777.2:2015 and Power Quality settings as described in Jemena’s 'Inverter Energy System Embedded Generators Protection Requirements and Settings Summary'; or
•    AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 with the default regional setting selection set to 'Australia A'.

Q: Is there any change to the central protection relay setting (passive anti-islanding function) with the introduction of the new 2020 inverter standard?

A: The previous recommended inverter settings and central protection relay settings for passive anti-islanding remain the same as per AS4777.1.2016 or Jemena Connection Guidelines for Inverter Energy Systems ( guidelines).

Q: When do I need to start installing AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 compliant inverters? 

A: You can apply for a connection with a AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 inverter already. However, from 18 December 2021 it will be mandatory to install a AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 inverter.

Q: What region setting do I need to meet? 

A: All new inverters installed that comply with the new AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 standard will require to be installed with ‘Australia A’ power quality response settings.

Q: When is the last date to submit an application where the inverter complies with AS/NZS 4777.2:2015? 

A: If you wish to install an inverter that complies with AS/NZS 4777.2:2015 it is strongly recommended you submit your application to Jemena’s online portal by Friday 12 November 2021 to ensure you receive a connection offer by 18 December. Applications received after this date cannot be guaranteed to receive a connection offer by 18 December. In addition, if an application is submitted by 12 November but is incomplete or not correct we cannot guarantee we will be able to finalise our assessment by 18 December and the system design would need to comply with the latest AS/NZS 4777.2:2020.

Q: I have a valid connection offer for a 2015 compliant inverter before 18 December 2021, can I install after 18 December 2021? 

A: You may install a 2015 compliant inverter after 18 December providing your connection offer has been accepted before 18 December. Please note that AS/NZS 4777.2:2015 compliant inverters installed from 18 December 2021 will not be eligible to receive Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) or Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs). For more information see the Clean Energy Regulator’s Website.

Q: I have not accepted a valid connection offer for a 2015 compliant inverter before 18 December 2021? 

A: The connection offer will no longer be valid and if the applicant still wishes to connect an inverter energy system to the grid, the applicant will need to submit a new application with a 2020 compliant inverter.  The new application will be subject to the associated fees and timeframes for processing and technical assessment.