Documents to support the installation of Embedded Generation systems including Solar and Batteries larger than 5MVA in size.
Document Name
Embedded Generation - Connection Principles and Guidelines; Embedded Generation - 5MVA or Greater (ELE GU 0004)
Embedded Generation - Technical Access Standards; Emebdded Generation - 5MW or Greater (ELE SP 0003)
Register of completed Embedded-Generation-Projects.xlsx
Embedded Generation - Example Charges and Fees; Embedded Generation - 5MW or Greater
(ELE PR 0007 RG 01)
Jemena Electricity Networks Embedded Generation Negotiated Connections Process
Description of Connection Process fo Embedded Generation 5MVA or greater (ELE PR 0007)
Negotiated Connection Services Embedded Generation - Enquiry Form
Negotiated Connection Services Embedded Generation - New Connection & Connection Alteration - Application Form