The 2024 Distribution Annual Planning Report (DAPR) in conjunction with our 2024 Digital DAPR Map (which can only be accessed using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge) has been prepared by Jemena Electricity Networks (JEN) as the distribution network service provider (DNSP) for the north-west area of greater metropolitan Melbourne, in accordance with the requirements set out in clause 5.13 of the National Electricity Rules (NER) and clause 19.4 of the Electricity Distribution Code of Practice (EDCoP).
JEN has digitised the risk assessment content within our DAPR report into a user-friendly interactive map that provides a visual representation of the existing and emerging identified constraints. The digital DAPR map presents JEN's network, terminal station supply points, subtransmission lines, zone substations and HV distribution feeders, including its demand forecast, historic load traces, network limitations, risk assessment and information about our committed and proposed network augmentation and replacement projects.
The 2024 Distribution System Limitation Report has been developed in accordance with the requirements of clause 5.13.3 of the National Electricity Rules. Supporting documentation for this report includes:
• Historic load traces – subtransmission loops
• Historic load traces – zone substations
• Historic load traces – feeders
The above report and historic load traces can also be accessed via our interactive 2024 Digital DAPR Map.
Clause 3.4 of the Victorian EDCoP requires all five Victorian electricity DNSPs to submit to the Essential Services Commission a joint annual Transmission Connection Planning Report 2024 detailing how together all DNSPs plan to meet forecast demand for electricity supplied into their distribution networks from transmission connections over the following ten calendar years.
The demand forecasts used in the preparation of the Transmission Connection Planning Report are referred to as the Victorian Terminal Station Demand Forecasts (TSDF). The TSDF sets out Victorian transmission connection point demand forecasts as provided by Victorian participants, being the Victorian electricity DNSPs and directly connected customers.
The terminal station risk assessments for Jemena’s transmission connection points can also be accessed via our interactive Digital DAPR Map.
As required under Clause 5.17 of the National Electricity Rules, for projects subject to the Regulatory Investment Test for Distribution (RIT-D), JEN undertakes RIT-Ds to identify the credible option that maximises the present value of the net economic benefit to all those who produce, consume and transport electricity in the National Electricity Market (NEM).
For more information see our Regulatory Investment Tests for Distribution pages.
As required under Clause 5A.D.1A of the National Electricity Rules, the register of completed embedded generation has been prepared by JEN.
As required under Clause 19.4.1(e) and Schedule 2 of the Electricity Distribution Code of Practice, the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) voltage report has been prepared by JEN.